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The Cost Of Not Using A Recruitment Agent

Many companies believe that the cost of using a recruitment agent to hire is often too high, but is this true?


There are of course costs for using a recruitment agent, however with reason! Should a business look at using a recruitment agency, the first yet most important advice would be to find the right one!


What is the right agency to use? Simple – the one that knows your business! There are many agencies out there who are extremely versatile when it comes to recruitment, meaning they do not specialise in any specific area. The most successful recruitment firm will be those who recruit solely for your industry. This will give that recruitment agency the edge by knowing the market inside out and already having a large pipeline of professionals at hand to ensure the most suitable applicants are sort. For example, ‘System Recruitment Specialists’ are not generic IT recruiters of every industry but technology specialist of the financial markets and therefore know this business inside out!


How would a specialist recruitment agent save a business valuable time?


Specialist Recruitment Agencies provide a fully managed solution that is much quicker than recruiting in-house and have access to a much wider pool of suitable candidates.

The complications that come with hiring employees can easily be relieved by hiring the right people! Recruiters who specialise in hiring appropriate and qualified people for a specific job position will take the stress away from human resources and hiring managers.

For small businesses, where recruitment is not an ongoing process, in-house recruitment is likely to be an additional task and potentially a burden to HR or the hiring manager. For large organisations, using a specialist recruitment agency can be the best way to access large pools of highly skilled workers, including those not advertised as actively seeking new employment.

The specialised recruitment agency can save days of ‘wasted’ time going through irrelevant / unsuitable applications, and only bringing to your attention those worth considering

The agency will deal with all communications with the applicant(s), which will also include notifying those who have been unsuccessful as well as gathering relevant documentation such as qualifications and entitlement to work documents for those who progress


How would a specialist recruitment agent save a business money?


As shown above there are already many time saving benefits of using a specialist recruitment agency and we all know time is money! This time saving effort removes the task of recruiting from in-house staff who can then continue to perform their other duties to their usual standard

In addition to this there are also short term saving costs which arise from the lack of expence of posting job adverts on various job boards.

Agencies do not only post jobs on their websites and hope for the best. They will also pay thousands of pounds per month to secure the top database of both active and in-active candidates.

Using a agency also reduces the likelihood and thus cost of a ‘bad hire’ (e.g. poor performance, training, re-hire)

The long term cost saving would be made from future hiring costs. If the same recruitment agent is used again they will already have excellent knowledge of the organisation, so the process will be even quicker


The end result:


Using an agency is FREE. Agencies will only charge once suitable candidates for the business have been hired. The Agent, such as System Recruitment Specialists will usually also have a rebate period during the employees probation period to safe guard against early exits.


Yes there will still be an initial cost of using an agency once a suitable applicant has been place, however as explained this will save a lot of valuable time and money in the long run as well as insuring the most suitable candidates in the market are working for that company; thus driving the business forward.

Get into pole position for your next career move

Get into pole position for your next career moveThe most popular New Year’s resolutions are probably no surprise to anyone, with getting fit, eating better and looking for a new job all appearing in the top ten in a recent YouGov survey. As the festive season fades, we are all much more focused on becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be. This month, I am looking at how a New Year job search mirrors the process of improving your fitness and how the same principles can apply to both.


Remembering the message of ‘A Christmas Carol’

Remembering the message of ‘A Christmas Carol’In some sectors, planning starts in July and ‘Christmas pressure’ mounts in December. If you work in retail, logistics or hospitality, the workplace is likely to become a focus of frantic activity. However, in the more office-based corporate sector, December tends to be a quieter month, and the emphasis of business as usual can be muted by the inevitable celebrations and festivities.


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